
Genoa Historic District Commission

Genoa is listed in the National Historic Registry. In 1974 Douglas County Created the Genoa Historic District Commission (GHDC) with the responsibility to aid in the preservation of this designation. This applies only to Neighborhood Commercial zoning within the town boundaries (Chapter 2.28 Douglas County Code) and only to those areas which are visible from the street. Building owners and/or business owners who wish to make changes to the exterior of their buildings are required to present these changes to the GHDC for review and approval. The GHDC will then issue a Certificate of Appropriateness, or a denial if the plans presented do not maintain the historic integrity of Genoa. This includes all modifications to the exterior, including change of color. The goal is to maintain our Historic Designation

The Genoa Historic District Commission is a five member commission that holds meetings as called. It reviews proposed building changes or development plans within the district. Board members serve 2-year terms.

Robert Centanni

Marian Vassar
Vice Chair

Rick Myers

Judy Brierly

Maggie Tracey